3/12/16 - Lake Washington in Greenville, MS
This was a rough tournament for us. The weather was crazy. There was flooding taking place all around us. People houses, schools, stores, etc. had like 2-4 feet of water in them. Lake Washington was also flooding and because there was water in the peoples home around the lake a No Wake Zone was placed on the whole lake.
With all the challenges we were facing dad and I knew those big slabs where still there and we needed to find them. It's now tournament morning and we are on the water waiting for 7:00AM to start fishing. 7 rolls around and BOOM we catch a crappie around 1.50lbs. The next crappie that will strike was a big one but came off. Fishing soon after that lost fish SLOWED down. Dad said the he was being pulled to the bank for some reason. So we motor over to the bank and my, my, my! It Was Game Time. We end up catching the quality fish we needed to finish in 15th Place.
What Were We Using:
1) Roper Outdoors Blue Shiner Jig Heads
2) Roper Outdoors Flutter Finger
3) Minnows
Thanks to our sponsors Yamaha Marine Group, Frogg Toggs, Do-It Molds, Ego Nets, Odyssey Batteries, No-Knot Fas-Snap, Driftmaster,
With all the challenges we were facing dad and I knew those big slabs where still there and we needed to find them. It's now tournament morning and we are on the water waiting for 7:00AM to start fishing. 7 rolls around and BOOM we catch a crappie around 1.50lbs. The next crappie that will strike was a big one but came off. Fishing soon after that lost fish SLOWED down. Dad said the he was being pulled to the bank for some reason. So we motor over to the bank and my, my, my! It Was Game Time. We end up catching the quality fish we needed to finish in 15th Place.
What Were We Using:
1) Roper Outdoors Blue Shiner Jig Heads
2) Roper Outdoors Flutter Finger
3) Minnows
Thanks to our sponsors Yamaha Marine Group, Frogg Toggs, Do-It Molds, Ego Nets, Odyssey Batteries, No-Knot Fas-Snap, Driftmaster.